Thursday, July 21, 2011


I'm relearning my ABCs with Rico Jackson.  We are posting a different letter every Wednesday and Sunday.  This Sunday will be "B!"  Yea, I've tried this before, and already did an "A" page, but time to start again!  :)  We're experimenting different designs, styles, methods... an awesome themed practice basically.  I want to find an efficient sketching style...  and this should def help.  It was definitely difficult to think up ideas using the letter to define the shape.  Time to strain the brain.  Yee haw!

This letter turned into a wee little journal, though I probably won't do it next time.  You will prolly want to see this image full-sized...

 L.A. has been my home for one month!  Many exciting adventures have happened already.  I am quitting my cream puff job and working on a graphic novel full-time (along with portfolio building and job applying).

Yeah!  :D

1 comment:

  1. This turned out GREAT! hahah My favorite part is the sun's eyes! I wanna do a journal one now too! haha Perhaps that's that mine for sunday will "B"
